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技术文档 admin 12067次浏览 已收录 2个评论

Landsat 8 Level 1 data products typically include data from both the OLI and TIRS sensor; however, there may be OLI-only and/or TIRS-only scenes in the USGS archive. The first two values of the Landsat 8 scene ID designates the data provided in each scene:

LC08_L1TP_003055_20170207_20170216_01_T1 = Combined (both OLI and TIRS data)
LO08_L1TP_021047_20150304_20170227_01_T1 = OLI data only
LT08_L1GT_137206_20170202_20170215_01_T2 = TIRS data only

2、Standard Processing Parameters

3、Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1
Landsat Tiers are the inventory structure for Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 data products and are based on data quality and level of processing. All scenes in the Landsat archive are assigned to a Collection category. The purpose of Collection categories is to support rapid and easy identification of suitable scenes for time-series pixel level analysis. During Collection 1 reprocessing, all Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS scenes in the USGS archive are assigned to a specific “Tier”. These data have well-characterized radiometric quality and are cross-calibrated ​among the different Landsat sensors.​​​

Collection Category (Tier)

Tier 1 (T1) – Contains the highest quality Level-1 Precision Terrain (L1TP) data considered suitable for time-series analysis. The georegistration is consistent and within prescribed tolerances [<12m root mean square error (RMSE)]. Tier 2 (T2) – Contains L1TP scenes not meeting Tier 1 criteria and all Systematic Terrain (L1GT) and Systematic (L1GS) scenes. Users interested in Tier 2 scenes can evaluate the L1TP RMSE and other properties to determine suitability for use in their applications and studies. Real-Time (RT) – Contains newly acquired Landsat 8 scenes, which require a period of evaluation and calibration adjustment after acquisition but are processed immediately based on preliminary calibration coefficients, assigned to the temporary RT Tier, and made available for download. When definitive calibration information becomes available, these scenes are reprocessed, assigned to the appropriate Tier 1 or Tier 2 category, and removed from the RT Tier (Temporary designation). The Landsat Collections web page contains additional information about changes applied to Landsat Level-1 data products for Collection 1.

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